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Honouring the ACCI Class of 2020 UPDATE: JUNE 16 Picket drop-off or pick-up Week of June 15-19 1-2PM Drama Studio Exterior Door (Door #2) Well, it's the Time of COVID (and so many other changes in the world), and you're finishing your high school career-a non-school year-not a bang, but a whimper. McDowell's Sierra High School Social Studies Blog. On this blog students from Sierra High School in Colorado Springs will be creating their own personal blogs, reflecting about thier learning, viewing classroom material, posting homework, and completing online assessments and other social studies material.

Welcome to Mr. McDowell’s Sierra High School Social Studies Blog. On this blog students from Sierra High School in Colorado Springs will be creating their own personal blogs, reflecting about thier learning, viewing classroom material, posting homework, and completing online assessments and other social studies material.

Parents, teachers and visitors please feel free to comment on the students work. We want to create an online community of learning and your participation is greatly appreciated.

Mr Mac's Classroom Website


Students remember to remain professional at all times. This is a privilege and a great learning opportunity for you. Good luck to you all.

I enjoyed the class. I liked that we had time spread out over weeks to complete all the activities…though I also didn’t like it lasting a month! haha.

Mr. MacClass

But the classes were interesting and the activities useful. I think I had a high degree of understanding going in, but the course forced me to do some things which I had never done before, but always wondered how to do. (The podcast and screencast.) The screen cast was the most useful for me and in the software I used, you could have a screen within a screen (so a video of you talking while the main part of the video was the screencast.) This is just like a I see a lot of YouTubers do, so it’s good to know I can do this now too! The Pecha Kucha was an interesting way of delivering content. I don’t know if I would use it exactly as it was, but maybe change the timing of the slides to 15 seconds, or add some extra here and there. It was interesting to see how everyone used it though and I think it’s a good tool for presentations.

Mr Mac S Class Home Improvement

Another thing I liked about the class was the interaction between students. The conversation we had on copy write ideas and always sourcing your work was very interesting. Coming from a DJ background, I am well familiar with ‘stealing beats’, making samples, or creating mixtapes. I also come from a DJ age before MP3s and am a strong believer in paying for content, such as music. (It’s an interesting juxtaposition, that while I always bought my music, I had no problem making mixtapes or mix cds which I would then sell (and give no proceeds to the artists whose music I had used.) ) It was very interesting listing to everyone’s point of view and it made me think more about all the content I use in my daily life.

Mr Mac S Class Home Page

All in all, as I said, I enjoyed the class. Maybe in the future you could have a green screen component. It’s also something I already know how to do, but it might be quite useful for some teachers, especially those in the ES.