Open Ashx File Windows 7

Software is optimized to run on Windows 64-bit systems. Radiant software must be running on Windows 64-bit systems. System Requirements The following are the basic system requirements for Radiant software on Windows: Intel Pentium or Pentium-compatible PC 64-bit OS Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1, or Windows 10 (ModelSim Lattice Edition. File Size: 3.04 MB, Download time: Windows 10, 8, 7, Windows Vista, & Windows XP (32-bit & 64-bit versions) To uninstall this software follow the uninstall instruction.

File with .ASHX extention is an ASP.NET Web handler file.

ASP.NET webserver will process the ASP.NET hanlder to a web browser's request.
It was first introduced in Jan 2002 with .NET Framework version 1.0 and to be the successor for Microsoft ASP - Active Server Pages technology. Active Server Pages were in the backend for Microsoft IIS server-side execution environment that enables running ASP scripts.

Once in awhile you might received a .ASHX file as an attachement or you have downloaded a power point presentations from the web and the file extention is not a .pptx but a .ASHX file.


Open Ashx File Windows 7

What you need to do is rename the file extention from .ASHX to .PDF and open the file with a Adobe Reader or PDF viewer.
Sometimes you can fix this by making sure that the web browser have a Adobe plug-in installed to view and open PDF file directly in the browser.

Other Programs that open a .ASHX files:

Mac OS - TextMate & Web brower like Safari or any other

Open Ashx File Windows 7 32-bit

Windows OS - Microsoft Visual Web Developer, Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, any Web browser and any text editor.