- Texting Shorthand For Older Folks Talking
- Texting Shorthand For Older Folks Style
- Texting Shorthand For Older Folks Looking
- Texting Shorthand For Older Folks Jokes

Texting Shorthand For Older Folks Talking
Back in the early days of texting, longer texts were more expensive to send. So early texters developed texting abbreviations and acronyms that made sending messages easier and cheaper. These abbreviations are still common in texting, but they’ve also made their way to social media, message boards, and even conversational slang. By text lingo On 20 July 2019 In best messages, sms text chat lingo, teen text, text shorthand Sending the best text messages ever isn’t always a good thing. Some people forget what they are sending and why. 25 best text messages to understand chat lingo shorthand:: GUESS DA LINGO:: i cnt get off ma hi hors nd i cnt let go u were d 1 dat mAd me feel so real o wot am i sposd 2 do wen im hookd so on u den i rElIs dat ur sumbody els's guy oh. Texting As little as $1 a month ($12 a year!) goes a long way towards supporting our editorial staff and contributors while keeping us ad-free. Become a McSweeney’s Internet Tendency patron today. Texting Abbreviations for the Elderly GTG ROFL at joe-ks.com - LMDO CGU, IMHO?
Text Message Abbreviations

Texting Shorthand For Older Folks Style
TxtDrop's complete text message abbreviation list is a reference to help you save some time when texting, emailing, or IMing friends. Save yourself some time and effort by using abbreviations. AAF, we think you'll be LOLing by the time your done reading our list!
Texting Shorthand For Older Folks Looking

Texting Shorthand For Older Folks Jokes
Abbreviation | Meaning | @TEOTD | At the end of the day | 143 | I love you | 2G2BT | Too good to be true | 404 | I don't know | 4EAE | Forever and ever
| A | A3 | Anytime, anywhere, anyplace | AAF | As a matter of fact | AAK | Asleep at keyboard | AAMOI | As a matter of interest | AAP | Always a pleasure | AAR | At any rate | AAS | Alive and smiling | ACK | Acknowledge | ADD | Address | ADN | Any day now | ADR | Address | AEAP | As early as possible | AFAIK | As far as I know | AFK | Away from keyboard | AFPOE | A fresh pair of eyes | AIGHT | Alright | AISB | As it should be | AKA | Also known as | ALCON | All concerned | AML | All my love | AOTA | All of the above | ASAP | As soon as possible | A/S/L | Age/sex/location | ASL | Age/sex/location | AT | At your terminal | ATM | At the moment | AWOL | Away without leaving | AYEC | At your earliest convenience | AYOR | At your own risk | AYSOS | Are you stupid or something | AYTMTB | And you're telling me this because
| B | B/F | Boyfriend | B4 | Before | B4N | Bye for now | BAK | Back at keyboard | BAU | Business as usual | BB | Be back | BBIAF | Be back in a few | BBIAM | Be back in a minute | BBIAS | Be back in a sec | BBL | Be back later | BBQ | Be back quickly | BBS | Be back soon | BBT | Be back tomorrow | BC | Because | BCNU | Be seein' you | BCOS | Because | BF | Best friend | BDN | Big damn number | BFN | Bye for now | BG | Big grin | BGWM | Be gentle with me | BFG | Big f***ing grin | BIOYN | Blow it out your nose | BLNT | Better luck next time | BM&Y | Between me and you | BOL | Best of luck | BPLM | Big person little mind | BRB | Be right back | BRT | Be right there | BTA | But then again | BTDT | Been there, done that | BTW | By the way
| C | CMIIW | Correct me if I'm wrong | CMON | Come on | COB | Close of business | COS | Because | C/P | Cross post | CR8 | Create | CRB | Come right back | CRBT | Crying really big tears | CU | See you | CUA | See you around | CUL | See you later | CUL8R | See you later | CWYL | Chat with you later | CYA | See ya | CYO | See you online
| D | D/L | Download | DL | Download | DEGT | Don't even go there | DIKU | Do I know you? | DQMOT | Don't quote me on this | DTS | Don't think so | DV8 | Deviate
| E | EBKAC | Error between keyboard and chair | EF4T | Effort | EG | Evil grin | EMA | E-mail address | EMFBI | Excuse me for butting in | EMSG | E-mail message | ENUF | Enough | EOD | End of day | EOM | End of message | EVA | Ever | EZY | Easy
| F | F2F | Face to face | F2T | Free to talk | FBM | Fine by me | FC | Fingers crossed | FICCL | Frankly I couldn't care a less | FISH | First in, still here | FOMCL | Falling off my chair laughing | FITB | Fill in the blank | FRT | For real though | FWIW | For what it's worth | FYEO | For your eyes only | FYI | For your information
| G | G | Grin | G/F | Girlfriend | G2CU | Good to see you | G2G | Got to go | G2R | Got to run | G9 | Genius | GA | Go ahead | GAL | Get a life | GB | Goodbye | GBU | God bless you | GDR | Grinning, ducking, and running | GD/R | Grinning, ducking, and running | GFI | Go for it | GG | Gotta Go or Good Game | GIAR | Give it a rest | GIGO | Garbage in, garbage out | GL | Good luck | GL/HF | Good luck, have fun | GLNG | Good luck next game | GMTA | Great minds think alike | GOI | Get over it | GOL | Giggling out loud | GR8 | Great | GR&D | Grinning, running and ducking | GT | Good try | GTG | Got to go | GTRM | Going to read mail
| H | H&K | Hugs & kisses | H2CUS | Hope to see you soon | H8 | Hate | HAGN | Have a good night | HAGO | Have a good one | HAND | Have a nice day | HF | Have fun | HHIS | Head hanging in shame | HOAS | Hold on a second | HRU | How are you? | HTH | Hope this helps | HV | Have
| I | IAC | In any case | IANAL | I am not a lawyer | IB | I'm back | IB | I'm back | IC | I see | ICBW | It could be worse | IDK | I don't know | IDTS | I don't think so | IDUNNO | I don't know | IG2R | I got to run | IIRC | If I remember correctly | ILBL8 | I'll be late | ILU | I love you | ILY | I love you | IM | Instant message | IMHO | In my humble opinion | IMNSHO | In my not so humble opinion | IMO | In my opinion | IMS | I am sorry | INAL | I'm not a lawyer | IOW | In other words | IRL | In real life | IRMC | I rest my case | IUSS | If you say so | IYKWIM | If you know what I mean | IYO | In your opinion | IYSS | If you say so
| J | j00r | Your | JAC | Just a sec | JIC | Just in case | JJA | Just joking around | JK | Just kidding | JMO | Just my opinion | JP | Just playing
| K | K8T | Katie | k/b | Keyboard | KB | Keyboard | KISS | Keep it simple, stupid | KIT | Keep in touch | KOC | Kiss on cheek | KOTC | Kiss on the cheek | KOTL | Kiss on the lips | KNIM | Know what I mean?
| L | l33t | Leet, meaning 'elite' | L8R | Later | LD | Later, dude / Long distance | LERK | leaving easy reach of keyboard | LMAO | Laughing my a** off | LOL | Laughing out loud | LTM | Laugh to myself | LTNS | Long time no see | LYLAS | Love you like a sis
| M | M8 | Mate | MFI | Mad for it | MorF | Male or female? | MoS | Mother over shoulder | MSG | Message | MTF | More to follow | MTFBWU | May the force be with you | MUSM | Miss you so much | MYOB | Mind your own business
| Abbreviation | Meaning | N | n00b | Newbie | N1 | Nice one | NBD | No big deal | NE | Any | NE1 | Anyone | NFM | None for me / Not for me | NIMBY | Not in my back yard | NLT | No later than | NM | Nothing much / Never mind | NMH | Not much here | NO1 | No one | NOYB | None of your business | NP | No problem | NRN | No response/reply necessary | NVM | Never mind | NW | No way | NW) | No way out
| O | OIC | Oh, I see | OMG | Oh my God | OMW | On my way | OO | Over and out | OOH | Out of here | OOTD | One of these days | OP | On phone | OTB | Off to bed | OTL | Out to lunch | OTOH | On the other hand | OTT | Over the top | OTTOMH | Off the top of my head | OTW | Off to work | OVA | Over
| P | PCM | Please call me | PDQ | Pretty darn quick | PLMK | Please let me know | PLS | Please | PLZ | Please | PM | Private Message | PMFI | Pardon me for interrupting | PMFJI | Pardon me for jumping in | POAHF | Put on a happy face | POS | Parent over shoulder | PPL | People | PROLLY | Probably | PRT | Party | PRW | People/parents are watching | PTL | Praise the Lord | PTMM | Please tell me more | PXT | Please explain that | PU | That stinks!
| Q | Q | Queue | QIK | Quick | QT | Cutie
| R | RL | Real life | RP | Role play | RME | Rolling my eyes | ROFL | Rolling on floor laughing | ROTFL | Rolling on the floor laughing | ROTFLUTS | Rolling on the floor laughing unable to speak | RSN | Real soon now | RTFM | Read the f***ing manual | RUOK | Are you okay?
| S | SAL | Such a laugh | SC | Stay cool | SETE | Smiling Ear-to-Ear | SICNR | Sorry, I could not resist | SIG2R | Sorry, I got to run | SIS | Snickering in silence | SIT | Stay in touch | SLAP | Sounds like a plan | SMHID | Scratching my head in disbelief | SNAFU | Situation normal all fouled up | SO | Significant other | SOL | Sooner or later | SOMY | Sick of me yet? | SOTMG | Short of time, must go | SPK | Speak | SPST | Same place, same time | SRY | Sorry | SS | So sorry | SSDD | Same stuff, different day | SSINF | So stupid it's not funny | STR8 | Straight | STW | Search the Web | SUITM | See you in the morning | SUL | See you later | SUP | What's up? | SYL | See you later
| T | T+ | Think positive | TA | Thanks a lot | TAFN | That's all for now | TAM | Tomorrow a.m. | TBC | To be continued | TBD | To be determined | TBH | To be honest | TC | Take care | TGIF | Thank God it's Friday | THX | Thanks | THNX | Thanks | THNQ | Thank-you | TIA | Thanks in advance | TIAD | Tomorrow is another day | TLK2UL8R | Talk to you later | TMB | Text me back | TMI | Too much information | TMOT | Trust me on this | TMWFI | Take my word for it | TNSTAAFL | There's no such thing as a free lunch | TPM | Tomorrow p.m. | TPTB | The powers that be | TSTB | The sooner, the better | TTFN | Ta ta for now | TTTT | These things take time | TTYL | Talk to you later | TTYS | Talk to you soon | TU | Thank you | TY | Thank you | TYT | Take your time | TYVM | Thank you very much
| U | UCMU | You crack me up | UGTBK | You've got to be kidding | UKTR | You know that's right | UL | Upload | UR | Your / You're | UV | Unpleasant visual | UW | You're welcome
| V | VEG | Very evil grin | VFM | Value for money | VGC | Very good condition | VIP | Very important person | VM | Voice mail | VSF | Very sad face
| W | WAM | Wait a minute | WAN2TLK | Want to talk | WAYF | Where are you from? | W/B | Write back | WB | Welcome back | WC | Who cares | WCA | Who cares anyway | WIBNI | Wouldn't it be nice if | WDALYIC | Who died and left you in charge | WDYK | What do you know | WIIFM | What's in it for me? | WISP | Winning is so pleasurable | WITW | What in the world | WIU | Wrap it up | WK | Week | WKD | Weekend | WRT | With regard to | WOMBAT | Waste of money, brains and time | WRK | Work | WRUD | What are you doing? | WTB | Wanted to buy | WTF | What the f**k | WTG | Way to go | WTH | What the heck? or What the hell? | WU? | What's up? | WUCIWUG | What you see is what you get | WUF? | Where you from? | WWJD | What would Jesus do? | WWYC | Write when you can | WYLEI | When you least expect it | WYSIWYG | What you see is what you get
| X | X | Kiss | XLNT | Excellent
| Y | YA | Your | YBS | You'll be sorry | YCMU | You crack me up | YGBKM | You've got to be kidding me | YKWYCD | You know what you can do | YMMV | Your mileage may vary | YR | Your | YR | Yeah right | YRYOCC | You're running your own cookoo clock | YSYD | Yeah sure you do | YW | You're welcome
| Z | ZZZZ | Sleeping (or bored) |