Local Mobile Marketing Tips

  1. Local Mobile Marketing Tips For Beginners
  2. Local Mobile Marketing Tips Examples
If your ads aren't optimized for mobile devices, you're missing a large chunk of your market. These strategies will help you get on track.
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

There’s no doubt that marketing to mobile phone user is an important part of Digital Marketing. Usage of Mobile Phones is most prominent advantage for us, as this will now help our business to evolve and bring out the best desired results. Learn the most effective way of increasing traffic over your website with these 8 easy yet most important Mobile Marketing Strategies. In the MarketingSherpa Mobile Marketing Benchmark Report, we asked marketers about their local mobile marketing efforts. A surprising 50% of marketers don't know what percentage of customers/prospects interact with their organization’s LOCAL mobile marketing tactics. Read on to learn three tips on optimizing your mobile efforts we’ve learned from your successful peers.

In Ultimate Guide to Local Business Marketing, Google AdWords expert Perry Marshall and lead generation expert Talor Zamir introduce you to the basic framework behind a successful local marketing campaign. In this edited excerpt, Perry and Zamir offer advice on running mobile ad campaigns on Google AdWords.

It’s now impossible to go outdoors without seeing people with their heads buried in their mobile devices. At the store, at our kids’ soccer games, at a restaurant, and even in our cars, we’re addicted to our smart­phones. And your prospects are no different (in fact, many of those people you see buried in their phones are your prospects).

So it should come as no surprise to hear that mobile search has been skyrocketing year after year. Mobile search has become one of the biggest areas of profitability for Google, and it’s only going to continue to grow. Gameboy replacement box.

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Here are just a few statistics that underscore the huge importance of mobile search in local markets:

  • According to a 2015 poll by BrightLocal, almost 40 percent of U.S. adult mobile phone users had searched for a local business on their phone at least once a month over the previous year.
  • Research from BIA/Kelsey estimated there would be 81.8 billion U.S. local search queries done via mobile in 2015. They estimate that by 2019 that number will be 141.9 billion!
  • As of mid-2015, the number of mobile searches now exceeds desk­top searches.

There are two key factors that make mobile so powerful for local businesses. One is that local businesses have an especially high percentage of prospects searching for them on mobile devices. The other is that, for most local businesses, you’re trying to generate a phone call, so having a prospect already on their smartphone makes placing a call even easier. All it takes is one click, and they can instantly call you.

This makes it critical to make sure you have “click to call” enabled on the phone numbers on your landing pages. You also want to make sure your landing page is mobile responsive, so when prospects look at your landing page, it’s mobile friendly and they can easily read the copy and see all the benefits. Then they just need to tap your phone number to place a call to you. Having this in place will lead to higher conversion rates.

Mobile leads can also be higher-quality leads, depending on the niche. One prime example is someone who was just in an accident and does a Google search on their phone for a car accident lawyer. That’s someone who is going to be a very hot, very motivated lead. That’s true in a number of niches, and we often find that high-quality leads come from mobile. If someone is searching specifically for a local business from their mobile device, they’re probably not just browsing. People tend to browse a lot more from their computer than from a mobile device.

Mobile ad positioning

Typically the best “bang for your buck” for ad positioning is around 2.5. In that position, you’re usually showing up in one of the top three spots, yet you’re not overpaying for your clicks just to be number one.

However, things are a bit different for mobile. Whereas with desktop searches there will usually be three ads above the organic search results, in mobile, there will only be one or two. Because of this, it’s very important to watch your mobile stats and make sure that your average position for mobile is two or preferably higher.

You don’t want to be at position number three on mobile, because it means you’re probably dropping to the very bottom of the page or possibly page two. And that means you’re going to get a lot fewer impressions, a lower clickthrough rate, and miss out on a bunch of potential leads.


Mobile conversions are something you want to keep a close eye on, especially in the first week or two after launching a campaign. If you notice you’re getting really good leads from mobile, you may want to consider raising your bid higher to be number one and maximize things to capture even more leads from mobile.

Google used to give you the option of running mobile-only search campaigns in AdWords. Unfortunately, that’s not the case anymore. Instead, advertisers now have the option of adjusting their bids for mobile devices in their campaigns.

If you find mobile traffic isn’t converting well for you, it’s possible to decrease your mobile bids by 100 percent, which will effectively stop your ads from showing up in mobile searches. Or if mobile traffic is converting at a little higher cost per conversion than you’d like, decrease your mobile bids by 10 or 25 percent or whatever percentage you think makes sense based on the data. If mobile traffic is converting well, you can increase your bids for mobile anywhere from 1 percent to 300 percent to improve your mobile ad positioning.

Creating mobile optimized ads

In AdWords, you have the ability to create mobile-optimized ads. It’s very easy to do. When you are creating a new ad, there’s a checkbox for “Device preference” where your only option is “Mobile.” Checking this box doesn’t guarantee the ad will only run on mobile devices, but they are given “preference” on mobile devices.

It’s not mandatory to do this and set up separate ads for desktop vs. mobile traffic. However, there are a few benefits to doing this.

First, it can help you better split-test your ads because, in each ad group, you can create two mobile ads that you can split-test against each other and two desktop ads that you can split-test against each other. Even more important is that you can better customize your ad copy for mobile devices. For instance, it’s good practice to emphasize the words “Call Now” in your mobile ads because you really want people to call you rather than click through to your website.

Make sure you give mobile traffic the proper amount of attention it deserves in your campaigns. It may just turn out to be the most profitable source of traffic you can get!

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Mobile marketing has finally come of age.

More consumers than ever are now making purchases using their mobile devices. CIO reports that 28 percent of sales are now conducted on mobile devices, primarily smartphones.

Last year, sales using smartphones increased by 87 percent year-over-year with sales via tablets growing by 52 percent. Clearly, mobile marketing is the way of the future. And yet, many brands haven't developed fully mature mobile marketing strategies.

For many brands, mobile marketing remains somewhat vague and difficult to contain in the same way as traditional marketing. Here are a few best practices to help your business launch an exciting, innovative and successful mobile marketing campaign.

Related: Basic Yet Critical Mobile Marketing Tips

1. Right-sized content

When it comes to mobile content, it's important to be concise. Of course, you should still create quality content, but be quick to get to the point. Remember that your target consumers are likely working from a small screen and may even be away from home or the office. As a result, they don't have a lot of space or even time for reading lengthy content.

This can be a challenge for mobile marketers, but it's imperative to create content that is both compelling yet brief.

2. Local search

Local searches commonly occur via mobile devices. More and more, users are taking advantage of mobile devices when searching locally. In order to take advantage of the increased use of mobile devices for local searches, be sure to submit your mobile website to Google My Business.

Additionally, you should ensure that the physical address of your business along with your contact information and hours of operation are visibly listed on your website. Visitors shouldn't have to search to find your address or phone number.

Local Mobile Marketing Tips For Beginners

Related: If You're Not Marketing on Bing You're Missing 30% of U.S. Searchers

3. Location-based sites

As an increasing number of people opt to access social sites via mobile devices, it's vital that your brand takes advantage of the opportunity to connect with your targeted customers through available location-based services such as Yelp and Foursquare.

Such location-based services are ideal for businesses such as retailer operations and restaurants.

Local Mobile Marketing Tips Examples

4. Geo-targeting

Geo-targeting through the use of location-based services is a great way for brands to direct their marketing messages to their targeted customers who may be in the local vicinity. With this type of platform, it's possible to run promotions to encourage customers to check in with your business through the use of digital discounts and coupons.

Related: The 4 Smartest Moves for Your Mobile Marketing Dollars In 2015