3.1 Solve Singlevariable Equationsmr. Mac's Page

With some practice you willeasily recognise what operations are required to solve an equation.

  1. 3.1 Solve Single Variable Equationsmr. Mac's Page Pdf
  2. 3.1 Solve Single Variable Equationsmr. Mac's Page Number
  3. 3.1 Solve Single Variable Equationsmr. Mac's Page Sheet
  4. 3.1 Solve Single Variable Equationsmr. Mac's Page Numbers

Chapter 5: Solving Systems of Linear Equations. Chapter 6: Exponential Functions & Sequences. (3.1 - 3.2) Review Packet ANSWERS.pdf (287k) Susan Wolff. 3.1.2 Installing R on a Mac. When you click on the Mac OS X link, you should find yourself on a page with the title “R for Mac OS X”. The vast majority of Mac users will have a fairly recent version of the operating system: as long as you’re running Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or higher, then you’ll be fine. 15 There’s a fairly prominent link on the page called “R-3.0.2.pkg.

Here are possible ways ofsolving a variety of linear equation types.

Example1, Solve for ‘x’ :

3.1 Solve Singlevariable Equationsmr. Mac

x +1=-3

1. Subtract 1 fromboth sides:

x +1 - 1 =-3 - 1

2. Simplify bothsides:


Example2, Solve for ‘x’ :


1. Divide both sides by -2:

2. Simplify both sides:


Example3, Solve for ‘x’:

1.Multiply both sides by 3:

2.Simplify both sides:

x = -6

Example4, Solve for ‘x’:

2x + 1=-17

1.Subtract 1 from both sides:

2x+ 1 -1 = -17-1

2.Simplify both sides:

2x = -18

3.Divide both sides by 2:

4.Simplify both sides:

x = -9

Example5, Solve for ‘x’:

1.Multiply both sides by 9:

2.Simplify both sides:

3x = 36

3.Divide both sides by 3:

4.Simplify both sides:

x = 12

Example6, Solve for ‘x’:

1. Multiply both sides by 3:

2. Simplify both sides:

x+ 1 = 21

3. Subtract 1 from both sides:

x+ 1 -1 = 21 -1

4. Simplify both sides:

x = 20

Example7, Solve for ‘x’:

7(x- 1)=21

1.Divide both sides by 7:

2.Simplify both sides:

x-1 = 3

3.Add 1 to both sides:

x-1 + 1 = 3 + 1

4.Simplify both sides:

x = 4

Example8, Solve for ‘x’:

1.Multiply both sides by 5:

2.Simplify both sides:

3(x-1) = 30

3.Divide both sides by 3:

4.Simplify both sides:

x-1 = 10

5.Add 1 to both sides:

x-1 + 1 = 10 + 1

6.Simplify both sides:


Example9, Solve for ‘x’:

3.1 Solve Single Variable Equationsmr. Mac's Page Pdf

5x+ 2 = 2x+ 17

1.Subtract 2x from both sides:

5x+ 2 -2x= 2x+ 17 -2x

2.Simplify both sides:

3x+ 2 = 17

3.Subtract 2 from both sides:

3x+ 2 -2 = 17 -2

4.Simplify both sides:

3x = 15

5.Divide both sides by 3:

6.Simplify both sides:

x = 5

Example10, Solve for ‘x’:

5(x-4) = 3x+ 2

1.Expand brackets:

5x-20 = 3x+ 2

2.Subtract 3x from both sides:

5x-20 -3x= 3x+ 2 -3x

3.Simplify both sides:

2x-20 = 2

3.1 Solve Single Variable Equationsmr. Mac's Page Number

4.Add 20 to both sides:

2x-20 + 20 = 2 + 20

5.Simplify both sides:

2x = 22

6.Divide both sides by 2:

3.1 Solve Single Variable Equationsmr. Mac's Page Sheet

7.Simplify both sides:


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3.1 Solve Single Variable Equationsmr. Mac's Page Numbers

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